Hawaii rental properties on Hawaii House FAQs

Hawaii rental properties on Hawaii House is data provided from the Honolulu Board of Realtors and the Maui Board of Realtors under a shared agreement. While we have a property management department, the vast majority of rental listings you will find on our site and not managed by Hawaii House.

How do I get more information about a rental property that I find on Hawaii House?

If you are using Hawaii.house on your desktop, go to the full property page, and the property management name and phone number is listed under the rental offering price on the right side of your screen.

If you are on our mobile Hawaii House site, click on the “email” on the top and the property manager and phone number will be displayed.

How do I search for rental listings on Hawaii House?

From the Home page, go to the “Hawaii Property Search” page listed under the “buy” section. Then under “Home Type” select “Rental” only, or just follow these links:

Oahu rentals 

All Hawaii rentals 

All Hawaii Kai rentals

Waikiki rental properties

All Honolulu rentals

Kakaako rentals


You can refine your rental search by choosing your island, district, neighborhood, and filters. Under “Home Type” make sure only “rental” is checked.

How do I search for rental comparables in Hawaii?

Sometimes investors wish to do their own research on rent received for specific types of properties. We welcome you to tap into the database to view rented properties.

From the Hawaii House Home Page, go to the “Advanced (condo) search” page under the “Buy” menu. Select your criteria. Scroll down to “Property Status”. Make sure “rented” is the only option selected.

What if I am waiting for a unit in a certain condo or condos or a home in a certain neighborhood?

Simple! Create an account for yourself by clicking on the “join” button on the upper right-hand corner of the page. Then search for the rental that you are looking for then save the search! You will get new listings sent to you automatically as soon as they are available. You can also share the list with friends and family as well as make notes on properties.

Can you recommend other places to look for a Hawaii rental?

Unfortunately, no. There are other sites that post rental listings, however, there is the possibility of fraudulent listings. By providing you with the data directly from the Honolulu Board of Realtors and from the Maui Board of Realtors, we are offering rentals from licensed real estate agents in the State of Hawaii. This is some of the best protection for consumers.

I found a rental property, but I think it might be a scam can you confirm the owner’s information?

Unfortunately, no. We can not give out owner information.  We can not also not confirm if the rental you found is legitimate. There are many scams out there for both long term and vacation rentals.  If you find an old property listing on the Hawaii House site of the property that you are interested in renting, you can look up more property tax information on that property using the TMK (Tax Map Key) under the “tax Details” section on the full property page.  Then you can look up the information on the Honolulu Property Tax site (just google Honolulu Property Tax).